4 ways to become a better speaker

If you’re human, you can probably speak. Whether that’s through a verbal language or sign language, we all have a way to communicate with one another. I believe that we can all agree that communication is the most important thing that any living being partakes in. Unless you are a hermit or live a solitary life, you most likely speak to your family, friends, colleagues, teachers and mentors, and even your pets on a daily basis. Therefore, speaking is something that we should all take very seriously, whether you are an entrepreneur or not. Since we all do it, this is not something that is only applicable to loud personalities or people on stages. Speaking well is a skill that can benefit your friendships, relationships, business, and career. And as a professional public speaker myself, I wanted to share my experience and 4 ways that you can become a better speaker no matter who you are.


Even if you have no plans to speak on stages, taking a public speaking class is one of the best things that you can do for yourself. The reason is because during these classes you learn to:

  • Communicate more effectively

  • Overcome fear

  • Gain confidence

  • Become an authority 

  • Organize your thoughts

  • Promote yourself 

  • Stand out

These are not only things that are important for public speakers to become skilled at, but are necessary for everyday conversation, even private discussions happening inside of your own home. For example, overcoming the fear of speaking up is something that can help you get a date, start a friendship, or gain a client. Learning to organize your thoughts is great for meeting new people and being able to get your point across in heated situations. Being able to stand out by the way you speak is one of the best ways to get hired, be remembered, and make a lasting impression.


Public speaking is great, but you know what’s better? Telling a story effectively. Have you ever noticed that some people just suck at telling stories? You listen to them drone on and on and can’t wait until they get to the end of their tale. However, there are other people that are the complete opposite. You forget about time and become genuinely invested into what they are saying. There’s a real reason why some people are so good at storytelling and others are so boring. While this comes naturally to some people, most people aren’t skilled storytellers. Learning how to share a great story in a way that captivates your audience is an amazing way to make connections with people in person as well as on large platforms in front of thousands of people.


Don’t just listen to them speak, but study their tone, inflections, the way they pronounce their words, and don’t miss this – their body language. Though this isn’t verbal, body language is an extremely powerful aspect of speaking. Somebody that slouches, hides their hands, and stands stiffly usually does not grab the right kind of attention. They come across as insecure and untrustworthy. These aren’t the type of people that make a good impression. Studying the way that your favorite speakers present themselves in both speech and body, and mimicking it until it becomes natural, is a great way to boost your communication levels. 


Saving the best for last, the absolute best way to become a better speaker is to simply practice. There are many different ways to do this. At home, here are a few ideas:

  • Talk out loud to yourself when there is no one else to talk to

  • Talk to your pets

  • Speak in front of a mirror

  • Record yourself and actually watch how you did

  • Buy a karaoke microphone and get used to speaking into a sound system

Speaking at home is the best way to get started, but it’s also important to get real-world experience. Start speaking up in group settings, make conversation at the coffee shop and grocery store, start going to more parties, host a small networking event, and get active on social media live videos. These are all great ways to improve your speaking skills without ever getting on a stage.


Our lives are based on communication. We communicate on a daily basis, and the way you do that reflects back onto your personal brand. A company that doesn’t speak or connect well with its audience is much less likely to do well than a company that makes an effort to go beyond and above with their communication. Speaking is not just about what comes out of your mouth, but how you present yourself through body language as well. It’s imperative that if you are an entrepreneur of any sort, have your own personal brand, or work with others in any capacity, that you learn how to properly communicate. This isn’t just for those who want to speak on stages. Like said above, learning to speak is important for anyone, whether you plan to go big or are happy with small circles. 

If you need tips on becoming a better communicator, growing your personal brand, and hearing more entrepreneurial advice, follow me on Instagram where I share this type of content daily.

Jay Jay

Digital advertising agency specializing in personal brands.


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