4 Ways to Get People to Notice Your Brand
Why are TikTokers more popular than talented people?

Practice These 6 Things to Become a Better Speaker
The number one fear that most people have in the world is public speaking. However, it doesn’t have to be that difficult. Practice these six things below if you want to become a better speaker.

Avoid These 10 Personal Branding Mistakes
If you want to make more money, it’s not enough to just be an expert in your space. Avoid these 10 personal branding mistakes so that you can grow faster, easier, and more successfully.

3 Ways to Take Your Brand to the Next Level
Taking your brand or business to the next level isn’t always as easy as people make it out to be. Below are three ways to take your brand to the next level that you can start implementing today.

What is personal branding, why is it so important, and why should you start building yours?

How to Be Personal With Your Brand Without Sharing Secrets
Growing a personal brand doesn’t mean you have to share all your secrets. So how can you be personal without being TOO personal?

How to Avoid Failure Within Your Personal Brand
Only 30% of businesses are successful after 10 years. So how can YOU avoid failure?

Because of how saturated social media has become in the last ten years, being noticed online has become a difficult task, but it’s not impossible. There are certain things you can do to stand out, and one of those things include being verified.

The Power of Using Your Name in Your Personal Brand
When you introduce yourself for the first time, usually the first piece of information that you share is your name, and the reason we do this is because it is powerful. Here are four reasons that you should be using your name in your personal brand.

How to Make Your Employees Feel Valued
Making your employees feel valued is one of the key factors to growth and success within the company. So here is a list of how to make your employees feel valued, as well as a like of what you should not do.

How Do You Know If You Are Ready For PR?
How do you know if you are ready for PR? Not everybody that wants PR is actually ready for the spotlight.

How to Gain Respect As An entrepreneur
If you want to be respected, it isn't enough just to have the title of ‘entrepreneur.’ This word has become so overused that sometimes simply saying that you are an entrepreneur is enough to gain a few eyerolls.

One Thing You Should Never Post On Social Media
Is there anything that you shouldn’t be posting if you’re trying to grow your personal brand? The answer is absolutely yes. So down below I want to share with you one thing that you should never post on social media.

What To Post On Social Media When You’re Stuck
If you ever don’t know what to post on social media, read below for some pieces of content that you might want to start sharing now.

How to Be Prepared Under Pressure
Throughout the fifteen-plus years that I’ve been a speaker and performer for live events, I’ve learned a lot about preparing for and handling pressure in high-stress situations. So down below are a few ways on how to be prepared under pressure, no matter the situation.

PR is an industry that puts you in the spotlight. Because of the attention it brings, many people choose to only go for the biggest and the best options. That’s a great thing to do, however, there are certain aspects that many people forget to pay attention to. So I wanted to share with you 3 underrated PR tips that you should take advantage of today.

The Biggest Myth About Personal Branding
Personal branding has a few myths that need to be straightened out. However, in all the years that I’ve been in the game, there is one thing that stands out above all the rest…

4 ways to become a better speaker
Speaking well is a skill that can benefit your friendships, relationships, business, and career. As a professional public speaker myself, I wanted to share my experience and 4 ways that you can become a better speaker no matter who you are.

Did you know that everyone already has their own personal brand? Down below I’m going to share with you 4 steps to building your personal brand.