How to Gain Respect As An entrepreneur

How to be respected as an entrepreneur

If you want to be respected, it isn't enough just to have the title of ‘entrepreneur.’ This word has become so overused that sometimes simply saying that you are an entrepreneur is enough to gain a few eyerolls. Many people view this title as simply a ‘wannabe rich kid’ type of person. If you want to be respected, you have to earn it through your actions. So what do you need to do? Down below I want to share with you four ways on how to gain respect as an entrepreneur. 


The most important thing you can do for yourself and your business is to show up. However, you also need to be consistent. Consistency shows that you are serious and that you’re not the type of person to give up when things get hard. Showing up every day is also a great way to showcase your character traits. If you’re a positive, hardworking, and reliable person, this will show through in your daily habits and actions. There is no way to lie about who you are if you’re doing the work every day. By showing up, you’re giving the world a reason to respect your hustle. 


Don’t lie about how amazing things have always been if there were dark seasons. You have to be wise about what you reveal, but don’t be afraid to share about your past struggles or tough times that your business went through. Be authentic about the process and about who you are. Don’t pretend to act a certain way or fake who you are, because eventually the truth will be revealed. By staying true to who you are right from the start, there will be nothing to hide and you will be known as someone that can be trusted and looked up to.


When you have a team around you, it’s important to look out for them. And I’m not talking about extravagant dinners or expensive gifts. It can simply be little things, like getting them water or coffee and making sure everyone is comfortable. Make sure your team feels appreciated, because when they feel loved, they will perform at their best and enjoy being around and working with you. It doesn’t cost a lot to make your team feel great, but if you can’t afford to take out a team member to lunch every once in a while, you probably shouldn’t have a team in the first place. That’s a topic for another time, but it doesn’t matter what position your employees or partners have in your company. Whether it’s the position of a janitor or CEO, treat everybody with respect and appreciation and they will return it back to you. 


Every week I go to the barber and get my face and hair cleaned up because when it comes to your personal brand, your image is super important. People will assume things about you based on their first impression of you. You might not need or want to go to the barber as much as I do, but it’s very important to figure out what image you’re going for, what clothing suits you, what style fits you, etc. I’ve spent a lot of money going to different fashion professionals and barbers and trying to find out what my best image is, and in the end it has paid off tremendously. What we think and what the public thinks are two completely different things. So a big portion of gaining respect is how you physically look on the outside, whether you like to hear this or not. Once you find out what’s working, your confidence will rise and people will feel that about you and respect you for it. 


A leader is not somebody that takes charge and drags everybody behind them, but rather somebody that works with the team and pushes them to do better. The same way, respect is not something that you can force out of your team or audience. It is something that needs to be earned. All of our actions have consequences, and it’s up to you whether you want those consequences to be positive or negative. 


Investing into yourself and your brand is another amazing way to show the world that you are authentic, trustworthy, and ultimately, somebody that should be respected. Investing into PR specifically is a great way to showcase your work without being pushy, cocky, or rude. It’s a great step to earning the respect of your audience and even fellow entrepreneurs. Book a free call here if you’re ready to get started with your PR strategy today.

Jay Jay

Digital advertising agency specializing in personal brands.

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